Kutukan Calon ArangShowing Today
Kutukan Calon Arang showtimes in Terengganu and ticket price, book your ticket online for Kutukan Calon Arang here! Available for all cinemas like TGV, GSC, MBO Cinema, LFS, MMC, Shaw Theaters, Cathay Cineplex, GV and more.
DirectorGirry Pratama
CastsDennis Adhiswara, Justin Adiwinata, Meisita Lomania, Fergie Brittany, Wulan Suandhini, Egi Fedly, Mo Sidik
Duration102 minutes
GenreHorror, Thriller
Trailer & Synopsys
Five friends try to escape from the shadows of their past sins, hoping to start a new chapter in a rural house. However, the new life they dream of is threatened by evil mystical forces lurking, forcing them to face unimaginable fears.
Kutukan Calon Arang is now showing in cinemas since December 12, 2024 until today
Monday Dec 23, 2024 Change locationKutukan Calon Arang showtimes in Terengganu Monday Dec 23, 2024, to change the location, simply click the City option above. Kutukan Calon Arang ticket price also informed in the showtime list, the ticket price shown is based on the first showtime, the next showtime's price maybe different.
To buy Kutukan Calon Arang ticket online, click at the showtime button below.
Kutukan Calon Arang showtimes in LFS KUALA TERENGGANU Terengganu
IndoTicket price RM 14- 02:25 PM
Phone: +609 - 6284136
Paragon Cinemas KTCC Mall
Kutukan Calon Arang showtimes in Paragon Cinemas KTCC Mall Terengganu
Regular 2DTicket price RM 14- 10:30 AM
- 03:05 PM
- 08:00 PM
Phone: +6096229388