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Perayaan Mati RasaShowing Today

Perayaan Mati Rasa showtimes in Tawau and ticket price, book your ticket online for Perayaan Mati Rasa here! Available for all cinemas like TGV, GSC, MBO Cinema, LFS, MMC, Shaw Theaters, Cathay Cineplex, GV and more.

Perayaan Mati Rasa

DirectorUmay Shahab, Reka Wijaya

CastsIqbaal Dhiafakhri Ramadhan, Umay Shahab, Unique Priscilla, Dwi Sasono, Devano Danendra, Dul Jaelani, Randy Nidji, Lukman Sardi, Sadha Triyudha, Priscilla Jamail

Duration123 minutes


GenreDrama, Music

Trailer & Synopsys

Sebagai anak sulung, Ian berjuang untuk meraih impiannya bersama teman-temannya dan berusaha keras untuk memenuhi semua harapan yang telah dibangunnya, yang membuatnya jauh dari keluarganya. Namun, apabila satu kejadian besar menyebabkan Ian kehilangan kedua ibu bapanya secara tiba-tiba, Ian cuba untuk sentiasa kuat dan menahan semua perasaannya sehingga dia menjadi kebas dan hilang arah.

As the first child, Ian struggles to achieve his dreams with his friends and tries hard to fulfill all the expectations he has built up that make him far from his family. However, when a big event makes Ian lose his parents suddenly, Ian tries to always be strong and bury all his feelings until he is numb & lost.

Perayaan Mati Rasa is now showing in cinemas since February 06, 2025 until today


Sunday Mar 09, 2025 Change location

Perayaan Mati Rasa showtimes in Tawau Sunday Mar 09, 2025, to change the location, simply click the City option above. Perayaan Mati Rasa ticket price also informed in the showtime list, the ticket price shown is based on the first showtime, the next showtime's price maybe different.
To buy Perayaan Mati Rasa ticket online, click at the showtime button below.

10 Star Cinemas Bandar Sri Indah

10 Star Cinemas Bandar Sri Indah

Perayaan Mati Rasa showtimes in 10 Star Cinemas Bandar Sri Indah Tawau

RegularTicket price RM 10
  • 02:10 PM
  • 04:40 PM
  • 09:15 PM
Eastern Cineplex

Eastern Cineplex

Perayaan Mati Rasa showtimes in Eastern Cineplex Tawau

RegularTicket price RM 12
  • 11:50 PM

Phone: +60 89-750 086


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