THE LAST DANCE Extended VersionComing soon
THE LAST DANCE Extended Version showtimes and release date. THE LAST DANCE Extended Version showtimes will be available a few days before it start showing in cinemas, use Remind Me feature and you will be notified!

DirectorAnselm Chan Mou Yin
CastsCatherine Chau, Dayo Wong Chi-Wah, Micheal Hui
Duration140 minutes
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Trailer & Synopsys
Despite the pandemic sending most industries into recession, debt-ridden wedding planner Dominic (Dayo Wong) gets a miraculous chance to turn things around when a funeral planner retires and passes the baton to him. His creative gimmicks for funerals help his business find unexpected success, but Dominic’s biggest obstacle is winning the approval of respected and sternly traditional Taoist priest, Master Man (Michael Hui).
THE LAST DANCE Extended Version release date in cinemas : April 04, 2025
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