Naan Pesa NinaipethellamComing soon
Naan Pesa Ninaipethellam showtimes and release date. Naan Pesa Ninaipethellam showtimes will be available a few days before it start showing in cinemas, use Remind Me feature and you will be notified!

DirectorVikadakavi Magen
CastsKuben Mahadevan, Magen Vikadakavi, Vanessa Cruez
Duration140 minutes
GenreFantasy, Romance
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Red Blood Moon comes 156 years once and ancients believe that miracles happen on the formation of the complete full red blood moon. Those miracles will sustain until a certain time for those who has any sort of bodily fluid exchange during the formation.
Naan Pesa Ninaipethellam release date in cinemas : April 03, 2025
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