Mumu (Love Without Talking/Silent Love)Coming soon
Mumu (Love Without Talking/Silent Love) showtimes and release date. Mumu (Love Without Talking/Silent Love) showtimes will be available a few days before it start showing in cinemas, use Remind Me feature and you will be notified!

DirectorDesert Zhang
CastsLay Zhang, Li Luoan, Huang Yao, An Tian, Aaliya, Zhang Ruonan
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Trailer & Synopsys
Mu Mu, a 7 years old young girl, lived with her deaf father Xiao Ma in a community of the deaf. Despite growing up in a single-parent household, Mu Mu cherishes a joyful childhood, nurtured by the love and care of Xiao Ma and his companions.
However, the tranquility they cherish is shattered when Mu Mu’s long-absent mother, Xiao Jing, abruptly returns. Driven by a desire to win her daughter’s affection, Xiao Jing forcefully plunges Mu Mu into the world of the hearing.
Though Mu Mu finds her new surroundings intriguing, Xiao Jing’s attempts to connect through spoken words fall short of bridging the emotional gap. Instead, Mu Mu’s yearning for Xiao Ma and the kinship she shares with her deaf friends only intensifies.
Mu Mu embarks on a journey, discovering love’s boundless expression beyond silence. She realizes the enduring power of communication and connection through deep gestures of the deaf, surpassing spoken words.
Mumu (Love Without Talking/Silent Love) release date in cinemas : April 10, 2025
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