Lagu Cinta untuk MamaComing soon
Lagu Cinta untuk Mama showtimes and release date. Lagu Cinta untuk Mama showtimes will be available a few days before it start showing in cinemas, use Remind Me feature and you will be notified!

DirectorHasto Broto
CastsJenny Zhang, Rizky Hanggono, Afsheena Zerina, Ayu Laksmi, Raissa Anggiani, Niluh Djelantik, Namira Maharani, A. Rani Someng
Duration93 minutes
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Krisna a young man from a wealthy family who just returned from studying abroad fell in love at first sight when he saw Indira a singer at her family's cafe. Krisna's love was welcomed by Indira, they fell in love and had a backstreet relationship because their relationship was opposed by Gayatri's mother and tried to keep Krisna away from Indira by sending her to Korea. Krisna was happy when he found out that Indira was pregnant with the fruit of their love, but Indira's pregnancy was discovered by Gayatri and forced Indira to abort the pregnancy because Gayatri did not want her extended family and business relations to know that their grandson was born from the womb of a Cafe singer.
Lagu Cinta untuk Mama release date in cinemas : March 20, 2025
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