Kutukan Calon ArangComing soon
Kutukan Calon Arang showtimes and release date. Kutukan Calon Arang showtimes will be available a few days before it start showing in cinemas, use Remind Me feature and you will be notified!
DirectorGirry Pratama
CastsDennis Adhiswara, Justin Adiwinata, Meisita Lomania, Fergie Brittany, Wulan Suandhini, Egi Fedly, Mo Sidik
Duration102 minutes
GenreHorror, Thriller
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Trailer & Synopsys
Five friends try to escape from the shadows of their past sins, hoping to start a new chapter in a rural house. However, the new life they dream of is threatened by evil mystical forces lurking, forcing them to face unimaginable fears.
Kutukan Calon Arang release date in cinemas : December 12, 2024
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