FriendzoneComing soon
Friendzone showtimes and release date. Friendzone showtimes will be available a few days before it start showing in cinemas, use Remind Me feature and you will be notified!

DirectorNguy?n Quang D?ng, Di?p Th? Vinh
CastsKaity Nguy?n, Tr?n Ng?c Vàng, Thanh S?n
Duration107 minutes
GenreRomance, Comedy
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A romantic love story set across 11 provinces in Vietnam, from the central coast to the northwest mountains. Bình An (Kaity Nguy?n) is happy with her boyfriend V? Tr?n (Thanh S?n), a talented but womanizing director, while her longtime friend B?o Toàn (Tr?n Ng?c Vàng) secretly loves her. As conflicts unfold, all three must face their true feelings.
Friendzone release date in cinemas : March 27, 2025
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