Boboiboy Movie 3: Gur'latanComing soon
Boboiboy Movie 3: Gur'latan showtimes and release date. Boboiboy Movie 3: Gur'latan showtimes will be available a few days before it start showing in cinemas, use Remind Me feature and you will be notified!

DirectorNizam Razak, Muhammad Akid Jamel
CastsNur Fathiah Diaz, Dzubir Mohamed Zakaria, Wong Wai Kay, Yap Ee Jean, Nur Intan Syuhadah
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Follows BoBoiBoy on his quest to unlock his Third Tier Elemental Powers.
Boboiboy Movie 3: Gur'latan will be shown in cinemas. Don't miss it! Use Remind Me to get notified when it start showing