Yumi's Cells: The Movie (k)Coming soon
Yumi's Cells: The Movie (k) showtimes and release date. Yumi's Cells: The Movie (k) showtimes will be available a few days before it start showing in cinemas, use Remind Me feature and you will be notified!

DirectorDa Hee Kim
CastsYoon Ah-young, Beom-Sik Shin, Song Ha-rim, Ahn So-yi, Sa Moon-young, Park Ji-Yoon, Gyu-hyeok Shim, Ahn Young-mi
Duration94 minutes
RatingAll Ages
GenreAnimation, Comedy, Drama
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Trailer & Synopsys
In pursuit of her lifelong dream of becoming a writer, Yumi takes the bold step of quitting her job to focus on preparing for a novel contest.
Yumi's Cells: The Movie (k) will be shown in cinemas soon.
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