The Legend HuntersComing soon
The Legend Hunters showtimes and release date. The Legend Hunters showtimes will be available a few days before it start showing in cinemas, use Remind Me feature and you will be notified!

DirectorSimon West, Li Yifan
CastsCelina Jade, Ron Smoorenburg, Hanyu Zhang, Lorenzo de Moor, Errol Trotman-Harewood, Michael Koltes, Wu Jiang, Andrew Dasz, Steven Dasz, Daria Gz, Francesca Alice Antonini, Myra Mala, Ronel Stander
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Trailer & Synopsys
The story follows the team as they try to raid a tomb made by master tomb raiders. It is set partially in Russia and will involve scenes at Catherine Palace in St. Petersburg.
The Legend Hunters will be shown in cinemas. Don't miss it! Use Remind Me to get notified when it start showing