Samurai CatComing soon
Samurai Cat showtimes and release date. Samurai Cat showtimes will be available a few days before it start showing in cinemas, use Remind Me feature and you will be notified!

DirectorYoshitaka Yamaguchi
CastsKazuki Kitamura, Shigeyuki Totsugi, Misako Renbutsu, Yosuke Asari
RatingAll Ages
GenreAction, Comedy
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Kyutaro is a Samurai who was once feared. However, after losing his position, he runs out of money and living alone away from his family. Kyutaro doesn`t know how to earn money without using his sword. One day Kyutaro gets a job offer, which is to kill a cat. Though Kyutaro finds it quite silly, he decides to do it for money. When Kyutaro opens the door to where the target of his assassination is, he sees the lovely white cat.
Samurai Cat will be shown in cinemas soon.
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