Mungkin Esok Lusa Atau NantiComing soon
Mungkin Esok Lusa Atau Nanti showtimes and release date. Mungkin Esok Lusa Atau Nanti showtimes will be available a few days before it start showing in cinemas, use Remind Me feature and you will be notified!

DirectorIwan Kurniawan
CastsNatasya Nurhalima, Bilal Fadh, Tegar Iman
Duration114 minutes
GenreRomance, Drama
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A story of Kemuning, a village girl studying in Turkey. Kemuning faithfully waits for Raditya, her true love, who promises to propose to her. However, conflict arises when Raditya comes with the surprising news that he will marry his mother's choice, leaving Kemuning devastated.
Mungkin Esok Lusa Atau Nanti will be shown in cinemas soon.
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