Kemah Terlarang Kesurupan MassalComing soon
Kemah Terlarang Kesurupan Massal showtimes and release date. Kemah Terlarang Kesurupan Massal showtimes will be available a few days before it start showing in cinemas, use Remind Me feature and you will be notified!
DirectorGinanti Rona
CastsCallista Arum, Nayla D. Purnama, Fatih Unru, Derby Romero, Zenia Zein
Duration110 minutes
GenreHorror, Supernatural
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A group of students` camping trip turns terrifying as evil forces possess them one by one, transforming a fun moment into a nightmare.
Kemah Terlarang Kesurupan Massal release date in cinemas : December 26, 2024
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