Ejen Ali The MovieShowing Today
Ejen Ali The Movie showtimes in Johor and ticket price, book your ticket online for Ejen Ali The Movie here! Available for all cinemas like TGV, GSC, MBO Cinema, LFS, MMC, Shaw Theaters, Cathay Cineplex, GV and more.

DirectorMuhammad Usamah Zaid
CastsAmir Mustaqim, Nabilah Rais, Haziq Khushairi, Azuan Wanji, Megat Zarin, Azman Zulkiply, Ida Rahayu Yusoff, Mohd Shafiq Mohd Isa, Abu Shafian Abg Hamid, Ahmad Sufian Mazilan, Altimet, Noor
Duration97 minutes
RatingAll Ages
GenreAnimation, Adventure
Trailer & Synopsys
Your favourite movies are back by popular demand for a special price of only RM5! After being accidentally recruited as a spy, 12-year-old Ejen Ali has now grown to embrace his role in secret agency Meta Advance Tactical Agency (MATA) to protect the futuristic city of Cyberaya from outside threats. Ali is surprised to discover that he is no longer the only master of the Infinity Retinal Intelligence System (IRIS) gadget, since MATA has now upgraded to IRIS Neo for all MATA agents. When the new invention leads Ali to question his place and usefulness to MATA, he is approached by a rogue figure who claims to know about a surprising personal connection to Ali. Risking his loyalty to MATA, Ejen Ali embarks on a thrilling chase to unravel these mysterious links.
Ejen Ali The Movie is now showing in cinemas since February 06, 2025 to March 08, 2025
(Today) Mar 10, 2025 Change locationEjen Ali The Movie showtimes in Johor today, to change the location, simply click the City option above. Ejen Ali The Movie ticket price also informed in the showtime list, the ticket price shown is based on the first showtime, the next showtime's price maybe different.
To buy Ejen Ali The Movie ticket online, click at the showtime button below.
Ejen Ali The Movie showtimes in GSC AEON Dato Onn Johor
Play Plus- 11:15 AM
Phone: +60 3-7664 2808
tempah teket ejen ali........