Munafik 2

DirectorSyamsul Yusof
CastsSyamsul Yusof, Maya Karin, Nasir Bilal Khan, Dato Rahim Razali, Dato Fizz Fairuz, Fauzi Nawawi, Mawi, Adik Zara Sophia, Ku Faridah, Weni Panca
Duration105 minutes
GenreHorror, Thriller
Trailer & Synopsys
After what had happened before, Ustaz Adam's life back to normal. He still preaching to the people around his neighbourhood and help people who have been possessed by demon and jinn. But, Ustaz Adam still haunted by the tragic death of Maria. There is also one mystery woman who keep disturbed and questioning Adam's faith dan fate. Meanwhile in the neighbourhood village, Sakinah stays with her son, Aman. Sakinah also need to take care of his father who is suffering from mystery disease that cannot be detected by the doctors. Sakinah believed that what have happened to her family is solely because of Abuja, a 'munafik' who wants to stir devoted Muslims faith towards Allah SWT. Abuja is infamous as the lead cult in their village. Sakinah then went to seek treatment/advice from Ustaz Adam. Angry with Ustaz Adam's interfere towards his journey to keep all the villagers to not believe in Allah and Islam, Abuja started his damned work to frustrate Ustaz Adam to help Muslims from deflection. Will Ustaz Adam be strong and determined enough to keep fighting Abuja's dirty work? Who's Sakinah to Abuja? And why Maria's death still keep haunting Ustaz Adam? All will be answered in Munafik 2 that will be in cinemas near you starting 30th August 2018.
Munafik 2 is showing in cinemas since August 29, 2018 to October 24, 2018